caucus fun, which candidate (dem and/or rep) reminds you of which super hero super villian

Before tonight’s caucus, when everything becomes so much more serious, let’s have some fun with the candidates, comparing them to super heroes and villains.  From comics, or movies, whatever, here are a few of mine.  Ron Paul: Mister Mxyzptlk.  Hero, villain, space imp?  What the hell is he?  This could also go for kucinich.  Fred Thompson: the penguin.  Not that much of villain (except the Danny Devito version) kind of bland, and dull.  Guiliani/clinton: lex luthor.  Scheming, conniving, manipulating, face of “the man.”

By what margin will Bob Shamansky win?

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4 thoughts on “caucus fun, which candidate (dem and/or rep) reminds you of which super hero super villian”

  1. I find your comparison of Paul to Myxy insulting to Myxy.

    . . . but accurate.

    Question is who initiates the final crisis.  ðŸ˜›

  2. Rudy: The Riddler – an incompetent schmuck whose only talent is helping his foes foil him by revealing his gameplan.

    McCain: Magneto – always ready to drag his people into yet another senseless war for dominion over everyone else, thereby making them even more hated than before.

    Romney: Scarecrow – good at scaring people and stirring up irrational fears, but if you really think about it, he’s not much of a threat.

    Thompson: Vulture – old, boring, lame, gets featured more prominently than he deserves.

    Huckabee: The Leader from V for Vendetta – Christian fascist who hate homosexuals.

    Paul: The Punisher – some think he’s a hero. I think he’s a psycho anarchist who appeals to gun nuts.

    Hunter: The Vanisher – an obscure loser who’s never even come close to having a compelling narrative.

    Kucinich: Doug Ramsey – not the guy you want to take into battle, but a decent guy, good with messages.

    Biden: Aquaman – very popular in a place where there aren’t very many total voters, but his influence spans the globe. Often a part of the team, but almost no one wants to see him lead it. Lots of experience.

    Dodd: Professor X – visionary with a long track record of standing up for the rights of minorities. Makes a good leader behind the scenes, but not the guy you want out there winning a popularity contest.

    Richardson: Doctor Strange – he’s served in many prominent leadership roles, he believes in civil liberties (Civil War plotline), and is worldy and wise.

    Edwards: Spiderman – takes on guys much bigger and stronger than him and wins. Made a mistake by supporting legislation that curtails civil liberties which he now regrets (Civil War plotline).

    Clinton: Wonder Woman – the most prominent female hero, and also kind of an establishment figure with a reputation for wisdom and toughness.

    Obama: Sorry, I got nothing.

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